Loading .pssettings or user settings clears waveform buffers and measurements

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Loading .pssettings or user settings clears waveform buffers and measurements

Post by Nifty »

Hi again,

I dont know if this is another bug report or user error, but here goes.

I have a few dozen .psdata measurement files which are all performed with the same scope, probes and connections - but with different measurement results depending on the load on the connected equipment.

It is important to me to effectively review all these measurements with an apple-to-apple comparrison, that is, with all views and settings etc equal.

I therefor opened one of the files, and configured everything to my liking and saved this as a Ps Settings file.
Note tat in the example below, i have made a new minimal example with a spectrum view of one channel and two measurements.

After saving the settings, i open another instance of Picoscope and load another psdata file before i also load the saved settings.

The result is that there are no data in the waveform buffer, and the measurements are blank. The content of the spectrum view is a copy of the spectrum from which the settings file was saved from...

Why is that?

Attached are two screenshots, one with the Picoscope which i used to save the ps settings file, the other is the picoscope instance were i loaded a different data file and attempted to use the settings file. Here the waveform buffer is blank and the measurements are also empty.

The waveform data inside the spectrum view is the same.

So.. have i misunderstood the use case for this settings file ?
Skjermbilde 2024-08-01 095025.png
Skjermbilde 2024-08-01 095604.png
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