Hi Forum. I was evaluating a communication protocol on a bus trying to isolate some attenuation at the assorted locations of bus when I realized how poor my skills at interpreting a waveform when I don't know the protocol. The only thing I could determine about this waveform is ~9.5VDC between center conductor and shield of coax with some serial comms on top of the 9.5V, but I wonder how others decode this ? Any good online resources for how to approach decoding unknown protocols appreciated.
like so many times before attachments seem problematic on this forum. I tried uploading a 4.8MB psdata of relevant serial waveform, but receive a message about "HTTP Error"
There looks to be three different pulse widths in that signal, maybe this is duty cycle signalling, and as the file is named full tilt you are at the top of the range. If you add in a Maths channel for posduty(B) and then run at half tilt does the duty cycle change?
looks like a 13uS variable lengt bit strem (about 76.5 kbps)
The voltage drop to 9.5V seems to signal end of data.
Could also be a space of more than 5 bits.