Implementing "profile" button for quick change of the setup of the measurement

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Implementing "profile" button for quick change of the setup of the measurement

Post by pannonius »

Hello Everyone,

Is there a possibility to implement a button to quick select various measurement setup during conducting measurements.

Consider the following scenario:
There is an ongoing test with certain number of probes. The current probes sensitivities, the math channel ranges, or sample time etc. need to be adjusted quickly, not to waste much time. Because, there is a time needed to do it from scratch. But, if there is a "profile" or "quick setup" or "states" (or whatever we may call it) button that could show a list of preconfigured settings, it would enable a quick set of the measurement settings with no waste of time. I am thinking of it as a list of earlier created .pssetting files from which the settings could be loaded, but it could be solved in a different manner. So, it could be an option to add a link to the various .psseting files to list, to remove one from the list, and to activate (load) a setting from a chosen file. The list could be saved to .psdata file or .pssetting file (! recoursive addressing problem should be solved!), or in some other manner.
This feature could help the operator to quickly adjust the measurement to needs...
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Re: Implementing "profile" button for quick change of the setup of the measurement

Post by bennog »

you have the .psconfig files that does exactly this.
the only is you need to load them so a couple of clicks
run them and then picoscope opens with the config you want. (except the 4444)

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