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by lambdaSky
Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:40 am
Forum: PicoScope 6 for Windows
Topic: Serial Decoding for KNX Bus
Replies: 6
Views: 24524

Serial Decoding for KNX Bus

Hello all, is there a way I can decode KNX / EIB bus messages on the TwistedPair medium via PicoScope? Here some resources about datagramm format (unfortunately german): Here some basic info from Wikipedia: https ...
by lambdaSky
Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:27 am
Forum: PicoScope 6 for Windows
Topic: DALI-2 serial protocol decoding
Replies: 3
Views: 15883

Re: DALI-2 serial protocol decoding

Hello, I would also be interested in support for DALI-2. Especially for the 6-color message decoding. At the moment the decoder showas a lot of "Special Command" messages which are hard to interpret. E.g. this sequence controls Group 0 to be 0%R 0%G 0%B 100%White but its not decoded, see attached ...